Welcome to PetersburgCITY.com, St. Petersburg’s official English-language portal! Here you’ll find a wide variety of information about the city, its life, the events happening here and the various goods and services available to you.
We aim to provide a useful source of information for foreign citizens wishing to visit our city, as well as for those already living here. We offer a number of thematic sections, reflecting the different sides of our great city’s life: culture, business, tourism, shopping, nightlife and more. Please browse through them – there should be something of interest to you here!
We have tried to stay true to St. Petersburg’s status as Russia’s cultural capital, and special emphasis has been given to coverage of cultural events. PetersburgCITY.com has a flexible informational structure, allowing it to change rapidly and dynamically. Let us know if there’s anything you think is out-of-date!
PetersburgCITY.com offers the most convenient way of finding out all the information you need to plan a successful trip to St. Petersburg. We are unique in offering a unified source for a diverse range of information - you should be able to find out everything you need to know, right here, in one place. No more fruitless internet searches!
We hope that you enjoy your stay in our city and please don’t hesitate to contact us if there’s anything you think we’ve missed out, or if you need further assistance. We’ll be happy to hear from you!
Have a brilliant trip!
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