The Legal Status of St. Petersburg as a Subject of The Federation
The City of St. Petersburg is an independent subject of the Russian Federation and its status is specified by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of St. Petersburg. Leningrad Oblast, the area surrounding St. Petersburg, is also an independent subject of the Russian Federation with its own legislative and executive authorities. It is therefore important for anyone embarking on business activities in St. Petersburg to understand that the conditions for operating businesses in St. Petersburg and in Leningrad Oblast may differ from each other.
The jurisdictions of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg are defined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a Federal agree-ment and an agreement between the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg. The Charter of St. Petersburg has legal priority over other legal acts of the city, legal acts of St. Petersburg governmental bodies and autonomous local bodies set up in the city Should these acts disagree with the Charter of St. Petersburg, the Charter of St. Petersburg will be effected. Should a federal law published beyond the range of authority of the Russian Federation with respect to matters within joint jurisdiction disagree with a legal act of St. Petersburg, the legislation of St. Petersburg will have priority.
Federal Governmental
in St. Petersburg
1.1.1 Representative of the President of The Russian Federation
62 Suvorovsky Pr., St. Petersburg, 193124
tel. 274 70 21; fax 274 37 00 Authorised representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the orthwest Region:
Victor Vasilievich Cherkesov.
1.1.2 Judicial Authority
- The Federal Arbitration Court of the Northwest Region
4 Ul. Yakubovicha, St. Petersburg, 190000
tel. 312 82 96
Court Chairman:
Alexander Nikolaevich Komarov
- The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast
50/52 Suvorovsky Pr., St. Petersburg, 193124
tel./fax 276 63 64 Court Chairman:
Vladimir Ivanovich Zheltyannikov
- St. Petersburg City Court
16 Nab. Reki Fontanki, St. Petersburg, 192063
tel. 273 07 52, fax 272 54 10 Court Chairman:
Vladimir Ivanovich Poludniakov
1.1.3 Executive Authority
- Main Office of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast
4 Liteyny Pr, St. Petersburg, 190000
tel. 278 37 97; fax 273 79 10
Acting Director of the Main Office:
Alexander Alekseyevich Serov.
Switchboard: 311 1851;
Information: 315 00 19.
- Main Office of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg
70-72 Nab. Reki Fontanki, St. Petersburg, 191038;
tel. 325 02 33; fax 311 70 60 Head of the Main Office:
Nadezhda Alexeevna Savinskaya.
- St. Petersburg Regional Department of the Federal Commission on Securities
15 Nab. Reki Fontanki, St. Petersburg, 191011;
tel./fax 325 95 87 Department Chairman:
Alexander Viktorovich Buin.
- St. Petersburg Department of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies
5 3 Liteyny Pr., St. Petersburg, 191104;
tel. 320 22 52; fax 320 23 33 Acting Department Head:
Vladimir Borisovich Pustoshny
- St. Petersburg Representative Office of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
34 Nab. Kutuzova, St. Petersburg, 191187;
tel. 272 00 76; fax 272 60 22 Representative:
Victor Alexeevich Lopatnikov
- St. Petersburg Territorial Office of the Ministry for Anti-monopoly Policy
and Business Support of the Russian Federation
7-9 Nevsky Pr., St. Petersburg, 191186;
tel. 314 79 14; fax 317 78 51 Director:
Oleg Vasilyevich Kolomiychenko
- St. Petersburg Committee on State Statistics
39 Ul. Professora Popova, St. Petersburg, 197376;
tel. 230 75 20; fax 234 06 36 Chairman:
Oleg Nikolayevich Nikiforov
- State Standards of the Russian Federation Testing and Certification Centre of St. Petersburg
1 Ul. Kuriyandskaya, St. Petersburg, 198103;
tel. 251 39 50; fax 251 41 08 General Director:
Vladimir Valentinovich Okrepilov
- Territorial Office of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Print Media, Broadcasting and Mass Media of St. Petersburj and Leningrad Oblast
4th floor, 14 Ul. Sadovaya,
St. Petersburg, 191011;
tel. 311 72 17; fax 311 2731
Acting Director:
Andrey Yurievich Minin
- St. Petersburg Department of the Federal State Employment Service
7 Ul. Galernaya, St. Petersburg, 190000;
tel. 312 92 36; fax 312 88 35 Head of the Department:
Dmitriy Semenovich Cherneyko
- State Committee on
the Environmental Protection of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast (Lenkomecologiya)
51 Ul. Bolshaya Morskaya, St. Petersburg, 190000;
tel.311 21 55; fax 279 76 45
Chairman of the Committee:
Alexey Nikolayevich Frolov
- Migration Service of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast
Building 3, 14 Ul. Smoliachkova, St. Petersburg, 194044;
tel. 310 27 47,110 42 07;
fax 310 27 47 Head of the service:
Sergey Vsevolodovich Tarasevich
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