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 Arthur Chilingarov Hero of the Soviet Union, laureate of the USSR State Award, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. 

Arthur Chilingarov

Arthur Chilingarov Hero of the Soviet Union, laureate of the USSR State Award, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Born in 1939, in Leningrad. In 1963 graduated from the arctic faculty of the Leningrad Marine Institute named after admiral S.O. Makarov (the speciality - oceanologer). As an engineer-oceanologer was directed to Tiksi observatory of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute.

In 1965 was elected as the first secretary of Bulonsk district committee.

In 1969 appointed as a head of the youth research station “North Pole-19”.

In 1971 Chilingarov headed the Bellinsgausen station of the 17-th Soviet Antarctic Expedition.

In 1973 organized the floating station North Pole-22 based on the ice-breaker Vladivostok.

Since 1974, during 5 years, was working in the West sector of the Arctic as a head of the Amderminsk Administration of hydrometeorology and environment control. Under his direction new forms of arctic operative navigation support were implemented; for the first time experimental works on cargo transfer to fast ice during wintertime were carried out in Jamal Peninsula. His experience in navigation support on the Arctic Seaway Chilingarov summarized in his dissertation for a scientific degree of a candidate of geographical sciences.

For developing the procedure of fast ice usage for handling operations A. Chilingarov and some of his research colleges were given a status of the USSR State Award laureates.

In 1979-1992 worked in the USSR State Committee of Hydrometeorology; since 1986 has been the Deputy Chairman of the mentioned organization and the head of the Central Administrative Board on Arctic, Antarctic and the World Ocean of USSR Council of Ministers.

In 1985 headed the special expedition on research vessel Mikhael Somov salvage, which was ice-blocked in South Ocean. For successful performance of salvation operations in extreme conditions and shown organizational abilities and courage A. Chilingarov was awarded a Hero of the Soviet Union status.

Participated in liquidation of Chernobul Accident after-effects.

In 1987 headed a high-latitude expedition on ice-breaker Siberia, which performed a large complex of scientific explorations and experiments, took a personnel of floating station North Pole-27 off from ice-floe, disembarked the scientific and technician personnel of floating station North Pole-29. On May 25, 1987, ice-breaker Siberia reached the geographical North Pole.

In 1988 headed the inspection group of Antarctic polar stations.

Since 1992 - the president of the Polar Explorers’ Association.

Since 1993 - a deputy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation State Duma. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

A. Chilingarov is awarded with Orders of Lenin, Labour Red Banner, “Sign of Honor”, with many medals. Laureate of the USSR State Award. Author of more than 50 scientific publications.

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