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 Anastasia Volochkova Anastasia is a Russian prima ballerina. 

Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia Volochkova Ballet soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre.

Anastasia Volochkova was born in 1976 in Saint-Petersburg. In 1986 she entered Russian Academy of Ballet named after Vaganova, the class of professor N.Doudinskaya, and in 1994 she graduated from it with honours. Being a student, she performed the part of Odetta-Odillia from the ballet "The Swan Lake".

In 1996 she took first place and became gold medallist at the Second International Ballet Competition in Kiev.

From 1994 to 1998 she danced in the ballet company of the Mariinsky Theatre, where she was taken on immediately after her graduating from the Academy. Her repertoire comprised the parts of Odetta-Odillia ("The Swan Lake"), Nikia ("Bayaderka"), Giselle ("Giselle"), Aurora ("The Sleeping Beauty"), Ckitri ("Don Quixote"), Medora ("Corsair"), Raymonda ("Raymonda"), Clara ("Nutcracker"), Shekherezada ("Shekherezada"), Soloist ("Pakhita"), Zarema ("The Fountain of Bakhchisarai") and many other parts in performances, staged by M.Fokin, D. Noimayer, A.Smirnov, L.Oursulyak.

In 1998 she began to dance in the ballet company of the Bolshoi Theatre under the guidance of Y.Maksimova. Her repertoire includes the parts of Princess Swan ("The Swan Lake", staged by V.Vasiliev), Raymonda ("Raymonda", staged by Y.Grigorovich), Nikia ("Bayaderka", staged by Y.Grigorovich) and others.

She toured with the ballet company of the Mariinsky Theatre and other companies through The United States of America, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium.

Anastasia Volochkova dreams of performing parts from "Spartack", "Romeo and Julliette" and enriching her repertoire with modern choreography. In her spare time she likes to walk through the city, to read books, to listen to music, both classical and modern. Her favourite composers are Bach and Vivaldi and she is fond of reading poems by Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova and Block. She thinks, that ballerina must be a woman and a mother first of all, must have a family. She likes ice-cream very much.

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