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 in St.Petersburg: March 03, 2025; 11:12pm (GMT+4). Search:
 Public Transport Metro. Bus. Trolleybus. Tram. Taxi. Fares. 

Ground Transport

In buses, trams and trolleybuses Petersburg ticket costs 18 rubles, you need to pay the conductor. For fare dodging fine relies 100 rubles.
To buy a «card» - a monthly ticket for one or more modes of transport you can from conductor or at subway stations.
Ground transport is working with up to 5.00-5.30 and 0.00-0.30. The route is usually painted on board the vehicle - on the plate number.
In general, citizens travel mainly on route taxis. On the commercial routes operate minibuses and large buses with index «K», «T» or «E» in the composition of numbers. They run frequently and in all corners of the city, fares are asked to 26 rubles at the center and less in the suburbs. Large expresses admit and release the passengers only at bus stops for public transport, minibuses - almost anywhere. Mini bus is caught as taxi - a hand’s move.

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