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 Editorial Editorial 

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My dear friends,

Thank you for visiting You should be warned that you are reading the first editorial on the portal. Frankly speaking, I was a bit nervous and could not decide for a very long time what this article should be about. There were quite a few great events that deserved mentioning, such as the Concert of Sir Elton John, Aviation Festival, French Ball and many others. Unexpectedly, the choice became clear.

Last week I found a strange e-mail in mail-box. It was a letter from a Dutch young man, Oebele, whose girlfriend was working as a volunteer somewhere at Peter and Paul Fortress. Oebele was trying to contact her, because “he missed his love a lot and wanted very much just to hear her voice”. Alas, he had no luck and he wrote to us asking to help him in contacting his “better half”.

Honestly, it was not the task for an editor-in-chief, but I felt like I had to help the guy. Firstly, because I learnt from his letter that the girl was really very important to him. And secondly, because I am also a man and I do know how it feels when the person you love more than anything else in your life, is far away.

So, I e-mailed Oebele for more details about the young lady. Unfortunately, he could not help a lot, he just told me her name and one more fact that I had already known. I should admit it was not easy to find Corine. It took about 4 days and I had to make more than 30 phone calls. However, it was something marvelous to help a person in love to reach his sweetheart. All the editorial staff of watched closely while I searched for Corine, asking me several times a day if I had found her.

For me it became something very personal, and I bet I was even happier than Corine, when she called me on Friday. I told her everything Oebele asked me to, I said that he missed and loved her and that he was very jealous. My God, I did really feel how excited Corine was when I was telling her all this. It is truly said that love gives wings and makes us fly. Trust me, I saw it myself.

Yesterday, I got news from Oebele. Corine phoned him and he thanked me for “my efforts, good will, energy I put to find his endless love”. To be honest, he had nothing to thank me for. I was very glad that helped two loving hearts connect with each other. The pleasure was all mine.

Anton Nikitin

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