Official internet-portal of St. Petersburg, cultural capital of Russia
Petersburg CITY / Guide to St. Petersburg, Russia
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Events, June 22, 2001 - July 6, 2001

Fifth Cookart Festival in Tsarskoye Selo

This festival, organized by Interstudio Institute of Innovation Programs, will be held in Tsarskoye Selo June 22 to July 6. Interstudio began conducting Cookart Festivals, having no analogue on the Russian art stage, in 1993. The festival is unique because it organizes and explores the area of intertextuality and synthesis, the area where borderlines between drama, dance, and puppet theater, music, visual arts, traditional and modern art idioms disappear. Cookart Festival’s program consists of plays, performances, installations, exhibits, video art shows and musical concerts. The festival is conducted in Tsarskoye Selo and on various performance stages of St. Petersburg. Cookart has always attracted and continues to attract theater actors, artists and musicians from France, England, Germany, Switzerland and the U.S. An international practical science conference devoted to issues of intertext and synthesis, a seminar on issues of PR technolgy in the sphere of culture and a laboratory workshop in scenic speech and diction training are included in the festival’s program.

Event source: Art Piter

(c) 2000