February 14, 2007 - February 21, 2007
Dom Kino in St.-Petersburg
14 February - 21 February 2007 ã.
British Animation Festival present in Saint-Petersburg 14-21 February 2007 in Dom Kino.
British animation has been extremely popular for the long time all over the world due to its diverse variety of themes, styles and techniques, applied while creating animated film. An interesting fact is that British animation is mainly adult-orientated, but popular among children and teenagers too. Everyone can find something interesting and congenial for them personally in these incredible films.
British Council in Russia is proud to present the last years’ best works of British animation. British Animation Festival will take place in Saint-Petersburg for the first time. All the animations will be screened twice – with voice-over translation into Russian. There will also be daytime screenings in English.
The festival programme is based on British Animation Awards (BAA), which is held once in two years in London. The festival includes works of the BAA’s winners during period from 1996 to 2004.
Location Dom Kino, Karavannaya street 12.
More info and programm in www.britishcouncil.org
Event source: art-gid.com
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