The St.-Petersburg dolphinarium
Bewitching and very beautiful show.
Here dolphins not only perform various tricks, but also with pleasure sing, dance a waltz or a rock-and-roll and even draw. Children with bated breath watch how dolphins jump out of water on four meters, fly through multi-coloured rings and again disappear under water. And huge white whales are so graceful, what even inveterate sceptic can not doubt in their artistry. The favourite of public - a sea lion. He fervently entrearts applause, cheerfully catches rings and so funny "upsets" when he can’t do it.
The culmination of show is the moment when dolphin Volka takes a brush in a teeth and draws his own world - the world of goods and harmony. Probably, therefore his pictures, in opinion of buyers (right after the show an auction is held), radiate positive, kind energy.
Also in delphinariums the program on rehabilitation of children suffering autism, cerebral paralysis, oligophrenia, and also blind children is developed. Here it is possible to swim for a while with dolphins and by that to relieve the stress, to take positive emotions.
The show lasts about one hour. To sit better on a balcony - it is visible what happens under water, and splashes do not reach.
Address: Konstantinovsky prospect,19 (pool “Spartak”)
Nearest Subway: Krestovsky Island
Call: (812) 235-46-31
Table of shows: Wednesday, Thurstday, Friday - 15.00., 18.00. Saturday, Sunday - 12.00., 15.00., 18.00.
Tickets: 30-50 roubles. Children under 5 years - free-of-charge.
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