Official internet-portal of St. Petersburg, cultural capital of Russia
Petersburg CITY / Guide to St. Petersburg, Russia
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Circus Avtovo

Work of notable masters of a circus art in "Circus Àvtovo" has made it one of the manlionfavourite circus in city, where many years there come connoisseurs of a circus art to see new and new programs. On an arena of a circus there are performances  both circus actors and troupes, and variety singers, such as M.Bojarsky, V.Derjabkin, M.Nikol'skaja, Vitaly Korotajev etc. Various actions, including the championships of Russia on wrestling without rules, competitions of children's amateur circus collectives and the International forum of festival of circus schools and independent circuses, also anniversaries of various firms are carried out in «Circus Avtovo».

Perfomances daily at 7.00 p.m., on Saturday at 3.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m.

Address: Avtovskaja str., 1a

Nearest subway: Avtovo

Call: (812) 183-14-98

Fax: (812) 184-68-43

Ticket-office: from 12.00 till 6.00 Tickets: from 30 to 100 rbls.


(c) 2000