The law applies to following categories of items
The law applies to following categories of items[11]
- Historical values, among them those connected with historical events in the life of the nation, the development of society and State, the history of science and technology, as well as those related to life and activity of outstanding personalities (state persons, political and public figures, scientists and artists)
- Items and their fragments, obtained as a result of archaeological excavations
- Artistic values, among them
- Paintings and drawings that are fully handmade, on any kind of warp, made of any kind of material;
- Original sculptures made of any kind of material, including relieves;
- Original artistic compositions and montages made of any kind of material;
- Artistically mounted items of religious purpose, including icons;
- Engravings, prints, lithographs and their original printing forms;
- Works of arts and crafts, including works in glass, ceramics, wood, metal, ivory, fabric and other materials;
- Works of traditional folk handicraft;
- Components and fragments of monuments of architecture and historical monuments
- Ancient books, editions of special interest (historical, artistic, scientific and literary), separately or in collections
- Rare manuscripts and documentary relics
- Archives, including photography, sound and film archives
- Unique and rare musical instruments
- Postal stamps, other philatelic materials, separately or in collections
- Ancient coins, orders, medals, seals and other collected items
- Rare collections and samples of flora and fauna, items of interest to the scientific fields of mineralogy, anatomy and palaeontology
- Copies of historical, artistic, scientific or different value, as well as those under protection as historical and cultural relics.
11According to the Article 7 of the Law of Russian Federation “On export and import of cultural goods”, 15 April 1993, N 4804-1
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