St. Petersburg at night
If you are fond of games of hazard or wish to try your hand at a little roulette, night-time St. Petersburg has a lot to offer. However, you are no doubt aware that all over the world casinos and clubs hold a risk of unwelcome adventures as well as the promise of pleasure. St. Petersburg is no exception. It is therefore best to restrict yourself to casino and night clubs with a good reputation, where the chance of something unpleasant happening is so slight as to be non-existent.
St. Petersburg's casinos and night clubs are situated mainly in the city centre and fall into two categories: for young people, and for all ages. The most common kinds of violation occurring in such places are theft and fraud.
You might be reassured to know that there are guides, translators, and security escorts whom you may book for any time of day or night.
It is better perhaps not to take with you large sums of money. If your intention is to win, you won't need much anyway. And if you intend to lose, you will lose less.
Do not respond to strangers who may offer you drinks, give you advice on how to lay your bets, and go out of their way to gain your friendship. Remember that in Russia, as all over the world, this is not acceptable behaviour and is a sure sign of the existence of a hidden motive.
Consider in advance how you are going to return from your night out. You will always be able to order a taxi, while if you have won a large sum, the casino's special security' service will escort you home.
Always carry with you your passport or other personal identity' document. The police have the right to inspect your documents, but must give their names and ranks and explain why they arc conducting the check. If a member of the police force is not in uniform, he must show you identification; you should look at this carefully.
We think it unlikely, of course, but it is nevertheless possible that you may find yourself in a situation where you are responsible for a violation of the law. If the police arrest you, do not try to resist but go with them to the local police station and ask for an official translator to help when the charge sheet is filled out. The police are obliged to inform your national consulate that you have been arrested.
You should bear in mind that on the territory of the Russian Federation you are subject to Russian law.
The most common reasons for arrest are:
- petty hooliganism;
- illegal trading in goods;
- illegal sale of foreign currency;
- physical similarity to a wanted criminal;
- being drunk in a public place;
- driving a vehicle in a state of intoxication;
failure to produce proof of identity. In the latter case, your identity may be confirmed by people who know you, provided that they themselves are carrying proof of their own identity.
And now a few words on the subject of women.
Russian women are rightly considered to be among the most beautiful in the world. You will be glad to know that this is not a country of rigid puritanism. You may get to know women almost anywhere: in museums, theatres, or on the streets. But take care not to be insistent when it is clear that your advances are not welcome. If a Russian woman says "No", that is exactly what she means - and nothing else.
Officially, there are no public houses or procurement agencies in Russia. But you will have no difficulty in finding commercial publications offering numerous sexual amusements under the guise of massage, baths, or escort services. Sometimes the purpose of such services is not only to make money through prostitution, but to generate much easier earnings through theft and robbery.
Most often, difficulties arise when foreigners make the acquaintance of women of easy virtue and start drinking strong alcohol in their company. Many such instances end with the foreigner awaking on the following morning to find both the girl and all his valuables gone.
For this reason, you would be advised to drink only what you have bought yourself. Exercise self-control. Moreover, try to keep meetings with women to your own territory. Should you have an unpleasant experience of whatever kind, immediately inform the police or the management of the institution you are visiting.
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