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PetersburgCity.com Community is organized into Forums. A Forum is organized around a particular subject
or theme, like "Culture" or "Current Events".
Each Forum has several Discussions. Discussions are the conversations within a Forum. You can enter
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To enter a Discussion, click on its name in a Forum. You will then see the most recent responses in that Discussion.
Forums Rules and Behavior Policies
Just like any community, the PetersburgCity.com online Community maintains a few rules.
- Do not harass, threaten or abuse other members. Disagreement, of course, is fine; but be polite.
- Obscene messages are prohibited.
- Stay on topic in discussions.
- Refrain from posting copyrighted content.
- Be sure to avoid posting identifying information, such as addresses or phone numbers. If you decide you want to exchange this information, do so via E-mail.
- Impersonating other community members or anyone other than you is prohibited.
- Unsolicited advertising or multiple messages (spam) is prohibited.