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State Russian Museum

The museum was founded in 1895 by the Emperor Alexander III and opened for visitors in 1898. Until the 1917 revolution it has been named after its founder.

The first collections of the museum consisted of the works of Russian sculptors and artists donated by the Hermitage, the Academy of Fine Arts and Alexander's Palace in Tsarskoe Selo (Czar's Village). The museum has one of the world's greatest collections of the Russian art beginning with icons of XII-XVII century and until the masters of the beginning of XX century. Soviet art and arts-and-crafts are also represented in abundance.

The museum occupies a number of buildings, the main of them being the former Mikhailovsky Palace (arch. K. Rossi, 1819 - 1825). In 1959 it has been connected with a building in the corner of Inzhenernaya (Engineers') street and Catherine's Canal (arch. L.N. Benois, S.O. Ovsyannikov, 1914 - 1919). In 1991 the State Russian Museum acquired St. Michael's (also Inzhenerny, Engineers') Castle, Mramorny (Marble) and Stroganov's Palaces. This has made it possible to expose new exhibits as well as those that had been stored in the museum's funds.

Ticket office:From 9.00 till 18.00
Prices:From 5 to 30 rubles.
Credit cards:VISA, American Express.

Address:1, Ploschad Iskusstv (Art Square)
Subway (Metro):Nevsky Prospect (Browse map)
Tel:+ 7 (812) 595-4248

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