09.25.2002 14:45
The Kishinev Society of Moldavian-Russian friendship came with the initiative to make a gift of Antiokh Kantemir’s monument to Russia’ Northern capital. According to one of its leaders, Yuri Maximov, an outstanding personality living during the first half of the 18th century in St. Petersburg – a count, diplomat, poet, founder of Russian classicism Antiokh Kantemir, the son of one Moldavian landlord and ally of Peter the Great -- Dmitry Kantemir, symbolizes the century long Moldavian-Russian ties and deserves to be monumented.
“We hope that our idea will be supported by both the leadership of Moldova and St. Petersburg’s government”, Y. Maximov stated. According to him, the work over the monument has been started by famous Moldaviam sculptor Yuri Kanashin.
News source: rian.ru
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