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Anniversary news, 06.12.2002 17:44

In January 2003 the Lomonosov china plant will start produce with St. Petersburg’s jubilee symbolizm

In January 2003 the Lomonosov china plant will start produce with St. Petersburg’s jubilee symbolizm Agreement was signed between the Lomonosov china plant and the directorate of St. Petersburg’s jubilee celebrations on the matter of use of the official symbolism of St. Petersburg’s 300th anniversary celebration. This agreement stipulates that a monthly payment from LFZ (the Lomonosov china plant) in the amount of 0.7% from the volume of sales of the production marked with the symbolism of the jubilee will passed for the directorate’s management.

According to the plant’s press-service, there are plans to start the development of products with the official jubilee symbolism in the nearest future with mass production of them – in January 2003.

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