Official internet-portal of St. Petersburg, cultural capital of Russia
Petersburg CITY / Guide to St. Petersburg, Russia
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Anniversary news, 26.03.2003 15:00

3 Mln flowers, 40,000 bushes and 7,000 trees to be planted in St. Petersburg before May 31st

The schedule of anniversary events includes also deadlines for completion of restoration work. The schedule of anniversary events was approved by the city government on March 24. The schedule includes also deadlines for completion of restoration work. Nineteen projects, supervised by the State Committee for Construction in the city’s historic downtown area will be completed before the anniversary. Federal ministries and departments supervise another 59 projects. Of the 49 landscaping projects, 32 have already been completed. Other projects will be completed by May. Before May 31 some 3 million flowers, 40,000 bushes and 7,000 trees will be planted in St. Petersburg.

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