02.12.2003 18:05
A scientific-practical conference "Constructive Materials for Nuclear Energy Reactors" will take place in Gatchina, St. Petersburg's suburb, on Tuesday. The St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, on the basis of which the forum will take place, reported that the conference would be devoted to the 100th anniversary of Academicians Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov. The Prometei Central Scientific-Research Institute Of Construction Materials will be its organizer. The programme of the conference includes reports devoted to the main directions of Igor Kurchatov's and Anatoly Alexandrov's research and their contribution to the development of the atomic project and the country's atomic submarine fleet. The conference is expected to gather director of the Physics and Technics Institute named after Ioffe, laureate of the Nobel Prize Academician Zhores Alferov, president of the Russian scientific centre "Kurchatovsky Institute" Academician Yevgeny Velikhov, general designer of the central design bureau of marine equipment "Rubin" Academician Igor Spassky, and other prominent scientists.
News source: www.lenpravda.ru
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