01.05.2004 14:33
The closed joint-stock company Lazertach intends to build a factor for manufacturing cloth and other furniture fabrics in the Severo-Zapadnaya industrial region. Investments in the project total $5-6 million.
Lazertach Company got permission from the Investment-tender commission (ITK) to find a place to build within the 57th quarter of the Severo-Zapadnaya industrial zone (southwest of the crossroads of Mebel'naya and Yachtennaya Streets). The square footage of the lot is 19,000 square meters.
The managers of Lazertach company declined giving other details on the project. In the estimates of other market players, investments in construction of such a manufacturing plant can reach $5-6 million. Alexander Shestakov, the general director of the closed joint-stock company First Furniture Factory, said that there is almost no engineering infrastructure in the territory, which can make construction even more expensive. He furthermore added that Lazertach Company, which is supported by foreign investors, is known on Saint-Petersburg market first of all as a large furniture and cloth sales company. It can not be excluded, that shareholders made the decision to increase their manufacturing in Russia, and it is most likely that the main production of the plant will focus on curtains and fabric for furniture.
News source: www.dp.ru
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