08.16.2006 16:43
The rating 'IT-companies of Russia' is based on the results of investigation of IT companies operation in 2005 and makes it possible to evaluate the positions of companies in different segments and in the industry as a whole. 'TELECOMSTROI' Company took part in the rating for the first time.
'Telecomstroi' Company is a network integrator specializing in design and development, construction and assembling, startup and adjustment works as well as works on technical operation of communication systems and infrastructure systems of buildings and installations.
'Telecomstroi' headquarters is in St-Petersburg. The company's infrastructure also includes an office in Novosibirsk. The staff of the company consists of 140 specialists in different fields. Over 50 specialists are certified by companies-manufacturers of equipment.
'Telecomstroi' holds all necessary licenses for conducting all kinds of designing and construction-assembling works.
News source: engl.fis.ru
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