02.16.2009 15:49
About 9 billion rubles invested in the past year, the company "Russian Railways" (RZD) in the project to create a high-speed communications, St. Petersburg-Helsinki. As reported today in the RZD, it is a part of the St. Petersburg-Buslovskaya (border with Finland Station), which set up a contact network of 38 km, six passenger platforms, as well as a range of communications and automation. "In addition, there were works on the transfer of goods traffic to "Ruch’i - Petyayarvi-Kamennogorsk-Vyborg" branch", - explained the RZD employeer.
The total cost for realization of the project, which should be fully ready by 2010, amounts to 79.7 billion rubles, - 36.6 billion rubles of which are costs of organizing high-speed traffic and the cost of goods traffic’s removal - 43.1 billion rubles.
News source: petersburgcity.com
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