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Automechanika St. Petersburg 2016
03.31.2016 09:01

From March 15 to March 17, 2016 in St. Petersburg there has taken place the specialized exhibition of autocomponents and the equipment for maintenance of Automechanika St cars. Petersburg.
Automechanika St. Petersburg is a project of the network exhibition Automechanika brand created by Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH (the Mass Frankfurt Eksibishn).
The subject and focus of exhibitions under the Automechanika brand are focused on automotive industry and the sphere of an aftersales service and submit all sections of branch from autocomponents to the garage equipment and tools. This year have taken part in an exhibition of the enterprise from Russia, Belarus, Korea, Poland, representative office of the Chinese companies among which there is GAHBIN Corporation, LLC ALIZIYa (the exclusive supplier of the JTC Auto Tools tool), DZHENERAL OPTIKS, Wash Tec, FCAR Technology, WIEDERKRAFT, Avtomeris, etc.
Automechanika St exhibition. Petersburg 2016 was carried out together with industrial and business actions of adjacent subject – the St. Petersburg technical fair and the X St. Petersburg Partneriat of small and medium business. On March 15 the governor of St. Petersburg – Georgy Sergeyevich Poltavchenko has made a speech at the official opening ceremony of Partneriat and industrial exhibitions with welcome speech. In the address to the audience Georgy Poltavchenko has noted that "This platform allows small and medium business to carry on dialogue and with large business. To look for a common ground, to look for a possibility of sale of the production and to provide production of the large enterprises both Russian, and foreign".
Upon termination of the opening ceremony the Governor of St. Petersburg accompanied by official guests from various regions of Russia has got acquainted with the presented exposition.
Great interest from visitors of the Automechanika St exhibition. Petersburg has caused the section "Repair and Service" devoted to production and services for an aftersales service of the car (the repair and diagnostic equipment, accessories and the additional equipment for cars, technologies and means for repair and tuning). In particular, the exclusive supplier of the JTC Auto Tools tool (Jay Ti Xi Avto Tulz) in the territory of the Russian Federation has presented to LLC ALIZIYa novelties in the product range: the special tool for cars and car services; electric equipment; a general-purpose instrument and for trucks).
At the stand of the DZHENERAL OPTIKS company the equipment of visual control - the jProbe video endoscopes, high-speed video cameras of Evercam which are ideally suited for crash tests and other tests which are carried out when releasing new cars has been presented. On March 16 experts GENERAL OPTIKS have held the presentation "The endoscope for the car" where anyone could estimate quality of work of the equipment on prototypes.
The diagnostic scanner for trucks was presented by representative office of the Chinese company FCAR Technology specializing in production and service of the professional diagnostic equipment for cars.
The WIEDERKRAFT company has presented tools, the equipment for car services and the washing equipment in assortment. Automobile sinks have been presented at stands of the LLC MS SOUZ-96 and Wash Tec companies.
Means and technologies of coloring and protection against corrosion have presented to the LLC Avtomeris company (car repair paints and varnishes) and Black Hors (a polymeric covering for the car).
Among participants of the thematic section "Spare Parts and Components" the Baltic Bearing Company companies (production of bearings) have been presented; LLC BRIK (production of hydraulic cylinders), CarFashion (automobile covers); GAHBIN (delivery of original details to the Korean cars); JSC Belkard (cardan transfers and shaft; hinges and steering drafts; shock-absorbers; springs, brake chambers); Mechanics of SPb (sales of auto parts and repair of details of the engine and knots), etc.
Automechanika St exhibition. Petersburg has traditionally passed in support of the highly topical business program of the international conference of automobile branch of PIAC/Autoprom Russia.
Three-day practical business conference has gone over with great success - more than 400 delegates from various regions of Russia and the abroad - professionals from automobile business, representatives of authorities, experts of branch associations, representatives of thematic educational institutions have taken part in 9 sessions and round tables.
Plenary session "Automotive industry Northwest: new points of growth", passed on March 16, I have caused a great interest of listeners and members of the media. Zheltukhina Elena Valentinovna whose Vice-president of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry with information support passed an exhibition and conference has handled welcome speech to participants. Head of representative office of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI) in the Northwest federal district Devyatko I.V. I have taken part in work of conference as the moderator of Plenary session. On sessions have made the vice-chairman of Committee on industrial policy reports and to innovations of the Government of St. Petersburg Vasilyev A.V., CEO of LLC Nokian of Tayers Pantyukhov A.G., director of the department of restructuring of production assets of PJSC OAK Sevryukov O. M. head of Committee on development of small and medium-sized enterprises, exhibition activity of the National Association of Producers of Automobile Components (NAPAC), coordinator of the Automobile cluster "Automotive industry Northwest" Sviridova M. E.
As the main subjects measures of the state support of automobile branch were discussed at last conference; industrial investment potential of an autoindustrial complex of the North-West; development of export of the Russian suppliers, import substitution; the test centers and science and technology parks, activity of car services during the crisis period, a takhografiya.
Active part in conference was taken by representatives of branch associations, research centers and the higher school - Korovkin I.A. (NP Objedineniye avtoproizvoditeley Rossii), Zagarin D. A. (Association of Automobile Engineers, Federal State Unitary Enterprise NAMI), representatives ÑÏáÏÓ Peter the Great, SPb GASU, VNIITE (scientific research institute of the Industrial Art), ÑÏáÃÕÏÀ of A.L. Shtiglits; representatives of the companies Nissan, Nokian Tyres, KAMAZ, AvtoVAZ, Passazhiravtotrans, Petroskan, Robert Bosch, Rosavtotrans, etc.
The special attention in the program of conference is traditionally paid to young professionals. On March 15 the final of the II All-Russian Competition of young specialists of automobile branch "Forsythe of Avto" has taken place. 10 finalists presented the developments and projects to expert jury. Following the results of vote 1 place in a competition was taken by the manager of sector, the graduate student of Federal State Unitary Enterprise NAMI Golubev Maxim Viktorovich with the "Development of the System of Management of Automatic Planetary Transmissions" project.
Participants of actions have highly appreciated service of the Exchange of business contacts - online system of the organization of meetings which has allowed to find potential partners and to organize business negotiations on in advance made individual schedule. Have used this tool both exhibitors and delegates of the congress, and the visitors registered in advance are experts. In total by means of the BDK service more than 1500 meetings within three days have been held.
Mass media lit work of industrial exhibitions and the congress in unknown scale - more than 30 local and federal mass media have been accredited for work on action. More than 6000 experts have visited an exposition in three days of work.

News source: expolife
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