08.17.2001 18:20
A civil status act is a number one document in any state. Without it, as is well known, all the main human rights can not be fulfilled.
Assembly records together with registers of births, their predesessors, are the most stable documentary system, which has existed in Russia for more than 250 years.
According to Raisa Shetinina, the head of the Department of the civil status acts recording for the Leningradskaya oblast, registery office is taking primary stock of demographic events, and the St. Petersburg Statistics Committee after complex calculations is preparing population characteristics and composition, demographic analysis and prediction, which are strongly needed for the state administration.
There has been a small birth rate increase in Leningradskaya oblast over last five years, however death rate still exceeds it. There has been registered more marriages, and the number of divorces stays almost the same. As a result of federal strategic observation of marriages and divorces registered in registery offices, the following trend can be clearly seen.
Till they turn 18, women get married more often than men. The marriage activity peak both for men and women is from 18 to 24 years old. From 25 to 34 men get married more actively than women. Of total marriage number, registered over these years, the number of first-time and second-time married men is almost equal to that of women. As for divorce, women are twice as active as men from 18 to 24. At the age of 25-29 and 40 and upwards, men's divorce initiative is equal to that of women. It should be mentioned that the highest number of divorces both for men and women is registered at the age of 25-35.
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City news archive for 17 August' 2001.
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