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Professor Logachev ship sails from St. Petersburg to Atlantic
01.09.2003 16:04

Professor Logachev ship sails from St. Petersburg to Atlantic The Professor Logachev research ship, owned by the Polar Marine Geological Survey Expedition, sails from St. Petersburg to the Atlantic. On Wednesday the administration of the St. Petersburg marine port has taken a decision to send the ship from the Neva bay, where it has for several days been waiting for the ice situation to improve, said Vladimir Kryukov, director of the Polar Expedition. He said that the Professor Logachev will go to the Atlantic, where under the federal goal-oriented program World Ocean it will study the Median Atlantic Ridge. The expedition will use remote probing to discover complex-ores at a depth of down to 3.5 kilometers on the seabed. The ship will be at sea during 159 days. On its board are 87 persons - 40 crew members and 47 researchers. Most of research work will be done in the tropical latitudes.

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