11.26.2003 17:29
Celebrating the 135th anniversary of the Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society and the 12th anniversary of its scientific library, InnoCentive is honored to sponsor the scientific conference, "New Trends in Modern Chemistry" being held at St. Petersburg State University. The conference, which was held on November 19 and 20, included lectures from esteemed academicians and scientists, and senior executives and scientists from InnoCentive.
"We are delighted to be among our Russian colleagues to celebrate such an impressive milestone of the organization," said Alpheus Bingham, Ph.D., chairman and founder of InnoCentive. "In addition to interesting presentations from Russia's top scientists, members of the InnoCentive team discussed how Russian scientists have the opportunity to collaborate with the world's preeminent corporations through our online community and receive global recognition and financial rewards for their work."
InnoCentive is the first online forum that brings together leading global corporations and scientists from across the globe to solve tough R&D challenges. Global companies including BASF, Dow Chemical, Eli Lilly and Company, and Procter & Gamble post their tough R&D problems confidentially on the InnoCentive Web site where more than 40,000 leading scientists and researchers (known as Solvers) in over 150 countries can solve them. Scientists who deliver solutions that best meet InnoCentive's Challenge requirements receive a financial award for their work, ranging up to USD $100,000.
"Russia is an integral segment of the worldwide scientific community, and InnoCentive is happy to sponsor our international colleagues once again at the annual scientific conference at St. Petersburg State University," said Ali Hussein, vice president of marketing at InnoCentive. "Numerous Russian scientists have been rewarded for successfully solving InnoCentive Challenges posed by leading corporations, and we look forward to furthering our relationship with this esteemed university as well as additional institutions throughout Russia."
"This marks the second consecutive year that InnoCentive has joined us in St. Petersburg for our annual conference. The audience was comprised of scientists from leading research institutions throughout Russia, and more than 15 members of the Russian Academy of Science participated in the event. The vast audience and renowned speakers exemplifies the high regard in which Russia views InnoCentive and the importance it places on being a part of its virtual scientific community," said Academician Anatoly Rusanov, president of the Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society.
New Challenges are continually being posted to the InnoCentive Web site and can be viewed at www.innocentive.com/challenges.
Conference participants and their topics of discussion included:
-- Academician G.A. Abakumov (Nizhnii Novgorod), Gradient Chemistry, Effects of Centrifugal Field in Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Chemical Reactions
-- Academician M.V. Alfimov (Moscow), Photonics of Organic Nanostructures
-- Academician A.L. Buchachenko (Moscow), Higher Horizon of Chemistry: Spectroscopy, Dynamic and Chemistry of Single Molecules
-- Academician O.N. Chupakhin (Ekaterinburg), Noncatalytic Direct C-C Crossing Heleroarenes with Nucleophiles in Synthesis of New Ligands
-- Academician G.B. Elyakov (Vladivostok), Marine Bioorganic Chemistry as Basis of Marine Biotechnology
-- Academician V.T. Kalinnikov, V.M. Novotorisev (Apatity), Materials of Spintronics
-- Academician Lunin, V.V., Conference Chair
-- Academician V.I. Minkin (Rostov on Don), Perspectives of Molecular Computing
-- Academician Moiseev I.I., Conference Chair
-- Academician V.N. Parmon (Novosibirsk), Novel Catalytic Technologies
-- Academician A.I. Rusanov (St. Petersburg), Nanothermodynamics: Chemical Approach
-- Academician R.Z. Sagdeev (Novosibirsk), Spin Chemistry, Achievements and Perspectives
-- Academician P.D. Sarkisov, Introductory Speech of President of Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
-- Academician V.Ya Shevchenko (St. Petersburg), Structural Diversity of Nanoworld, Fragmentarity and Metamorphosis of Nanostructures
-- Academician G.A. Tolstikov (Novosibirsk), Complete Synthesis of Oligomolecular Bioregulators, Strategy and Methods
-- Academician Yu.D. Tret'yakov (Moscow), Chemical Design of Magnetic and Optical Nanostructures
-- Academician N.S. Zefirov (Moscow), Rational Design in Medicinal Chemistry
-- Academician Yu.A. Zolotov (Moscow), Russian Chemical Society: Pages of History
About InnoCentive
InnoCentive is the first online forum that allows world-class scientists and science-based companies to collaborate in a global scientific community to achieve innovative solutions to complex challenges. InnoCentive is an e-business company of Eli Lilly and Company, a leading innovation-driven pharmaceutical company. To learn more and to register as an InnoCentive Solver, visit the InnoCentive Website at www.innocentive.com.
Schwartz Communications
Lauren Arnold, 781-684-0770
News source: http://business2media.com
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