03.25.2004 14:34
Starting from May 1 freight transport will be prohibited from being transported through St. Petersburg.
On Tuesday session of St. Petersburg Administration the city Governor Valentina Matvienko charged the Transportation Committee and the State Agency "Directorship for Road Traffic Planning” (DODD) with the task of excluding all freight transport from the city center during the daylight hours starting from May 1. Having studied the DODD’s design of its “Integrated scheme of road traffic planning in St. Petersburg by 2010”, the city Administration adopted the order. In addition, any transit trucks will also not be allowed to enter the city center in the daytime. The Governor was mostly displeased with the fact that the problem had not been tackled yet. “Is it really that hard to close the city center for trucks to pass through, at least during the day? Can we ban transit transport to enter St. Petersburg, say from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m.? Maybe it makes sense to introduce one-way traffic in some city entrances? I have to oblige DODD to fix up the problem by May 1, 2004” said Valentina Matvienko. As the Chairperson of the Transportation Committee Alexander Datzyk said, DODD had tightened the schemes of transit pass issuance, but truck drivers still prefer to pay fines. “Financially, it is much easier to pay fines than to pay for the pass”, Alexander Datzyk said. Furthermore, the problem has to be settled by the Transportation Ministry of Russia, in accordance with the Russian Constitution.
News source: www.dp.ru
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