04.05.2004 13:24
Air Malta’ and ‘SN Brussels Airlines’ have announced the starting dates of their flights from St. Petersburg. Before that major international airlines like ‘Lufthansa’, ‘British Airways’, ‘LOT’ and others declared their wish to raise the number of their flights to St. Petersburg.
“We have managed to increase the number of flights from St. Petersburg by 40%, making flights 7 times a week”, ‘British Airways’ press service said.
“This summer we are increasing the number of flights by 40%, up to 29 times a week”, the Business Representative of Lufthansa in St. Petersburg and the Northwest of Russia, Dmitry Zelenin, said. “In addition, in about 10-15% of our flights we are putting a bigger aircraft on the flying list to take on board 30% more passengers than usual”.
‘LOT’ said the Polish airlines would not change the number of flights in summer time, though the company was to put a 78-seater aircraft instead of a 48-seater one, and on week-ends an airplane would be engaged with 105 seats.
In comparison with international airlines, ‘Pulkovo’ aviation enterprise acts less aggressively. “We are also raising the number of summer flights to 140 per week, against 117 flights last year (growth by 17%)”, the Advertising Manager of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise ‘Pulkovo’, Alexander Anufriev, said. Last year the St. Petersburg aviation company tended to fall behind the general growth of the international passenger traffic, as compared to the foreign air carriers. Thus, the international airlines increased the density of passenger traffic by 21% in 2003, while ‘Pulkovo’ raised the number of its international flights by only 17%.
News source: www.dp.ru
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