13:05 City Welcomes 2 Waves of Fun
Last week saw the opening of two water-related attractions in St. Petersburg. As well as being unique to the region, it is hoped the projects will attract more tourists to the city.

12:47 St Petersburg Week opened in Shanghai
"Saint Petersburg Week" opened in Shanghai last Monday, the first such event since both cities became twin cities in 1988. The event was also described as Shanghai's largest ever cultural exchange event with a foreign city.

11:43 Putin joins functions of State Duma’s centenary jubilee
Upon arrival from the Siberian city of Tomsk, Russian President Vladimir Putin joined members of parliament Thursday night in gala functions dedicated to the centenary jubilee of the Russia’s first parliament, the State Duma that was convened in 1906.

City news archive for April' 2006
City news archive for 2006 year.