02.10.2003 17:40
Six young pianists were contesting in a second elimination round of the Paula Cussi international piano competition. Four of them won to go on to the next round, all of them Russians-Muscovites Alexei Chernov and Alexei Komarov, Mark Maikov of Kazan, and Alexander Pirozhenko, a St. Petersburger. It was previously intended to select a mere three. The jury will announce prize distribution Sunday, February 9. All winners are entitled to money awards-gold and silver, US$7,500 each, the two others $1,500 each. The gold and silver laureates will go to the semi-finals of an international piano contest to open at the Royal Academy of Music, London, July 3, 2003. The finals, in Lisbon, are scheduled for July 12 into 15. The London winners will perform in the Queluz palace throne room. After the concert, the jury will name the finals winners, who will receive sizable prize sums.
News source: www.rosbalt.ru
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