03.07.2003 12:35
For three years in a row the Horse Stable Building of Elagin Island Palace and Museum presents the exhibition entitled Cats in March. The exhibition celebrates the cat as a concept in art represented through various artistic media, such as genre scenes, images of cats as elements in decorative arts, and cat portraits. A special event dedicated to St. Petersburg tercentennial opened on March 5. The importance and the reputation of the project allowed to invite artists working in different manner and style, even animalist artists, to take part. Some ten artists have contributed to the exhibition. The exhibition will take up twice as much space as usual, as the works will be presented in two rooms, and not one. One of the rooms will feature “cats only.” Research on the cat in history and poems dedicated to the felines have also been included in the project. Guests of the exhibition may be in for a surprise when they will hear songs such as “Murka” and “Black Cat” coming from somewhere. The exhibition seeks to create the true “March cat” atmosphere.
News source: www.ipc-spb.ru
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