14:31 VIII International Festival of Military Brass Bands was held at the Yubileiny Sports Palace
VIII International Festival of Military Brass Bands started with the World Best Bands show at the Yubileiny Sports Palace on May 30.
14:21 X festival of non-conformist art started at Pushkinskaya, 10
X festival of non-conformist art of the second half of the XX century, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg started on May 30 in the Museum Of Non-Conformist Art and Library And Archive Of Independent Art at Pushkinskaya,10.

13:48 "Message to Man" international film festival to take place in St. Petersburg on 15-22 June
On 15-22 June, St. Petersburg will host the International Film Festival “Message to Man”.
Culture news archive for June' 2003
Culture news archive for 2003 year.