07.29.2003 12:19
The famous Italian film director Jouzeppe Tornatore gathers for his new project moviemakers of Russia, USA, Italy and of other European countries.
Tornatore starts shooting of a serial film “Leningrad” to narrate of the city’s tragic and heroic days during the long fascist blockade’s months. This film is to be dedicated to the city’s 300-th anniversary. A lot of leading world movies actors, including incomparable Nicole Kidman, were invited to take part in the film’s shooting.
According to Jan-Paulo Letta , a vice-president of the International Company “Meduse-film”, his firm is to finance the film’s work and to fulfil its distribution also. Letta and Tornatore departed Thuesday in New-York for negotiations with Nicole Kidman.
News source: fashion-monitor.com
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