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09.08.2003 15:57
The partner ties between Saint-Petersburg and Hamburg, Germany, are strengthened by the creativity of some Hamburg writers, who will bring their works to the public on the 18th of September of 2003 in the Nabokov Museum of St-Petersburg. Most of the texts which will be presented to the public during these readings were strongly influenced by the collaboration of the German authors with their colleagues from Saint-Petersburg. Among those who will take part in the readings are Sibille Brenner with |Stadt Land Fluß (|City-Country -River ), Gisela Knappe with |Eine Nacht mit Ambrosius (One night with Ambrosias), Ulrich Schacht with |Schalikowo, 4.April 1999 Elisabeth v. Ulmann Ingo with |Porträt eines Deutschen aus St.Petersburg (The portrait of one German from Saint-Petersburg) and others. The creative study of the character of the city and its people and reflections on the ties connecting Hamburg and Saint-Petersburg make these works of the Hamburg writers a wonderful birthday present for the city on the Neva river and its citizens. Sibille Brenner |Stadt Land Fluß (|City-Country -River ), Gisela Knappe |Eine Nacht mit Ambrosius (One night with Ambrosias), Ulrich Schacht |Schalikowo, 4.April 1999 Elisabeth v. Ulmann Ingo |Porträt eines Deutschen aus St.Petersburg and others. The readings will be held in German language, entrance is free of charge. Those interested in the contemporary German literature and willing to improve their knowledge of the German language are kindly invited to visit Nabokov Museum (Bolschaja Morskaja ul., 47) on the 18th of September at 6 p.m.
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