10.09.2003 16:04
Goethe Institut Inter Nationes presents the films of the Bavarian anarchist filmmaker Herbert Achternbusch. The screenings start today, on the 9th of October in PRO ARTE Institute.
A prolific novelist, poet, dramatist, painter, and anarchist filmmaker from Bavaria, Herbert Achternbusch—despite the evidence of twenty-seven feature films he has made to date—remains the least known director from the New German Cinema, the movement that brought the work of Fassbinder, Wenders, Herzog, and others to international prominence.Situated in a no-man’s land between dream and reality, yet laced with references to actual events and to his own life, Achternbusch’s films comprise one of the most fiercely individualistic oeuvres in film history. "Resisting easy admiration or facile cubbyholing," as German film scholar Eric Rentschler explains, "Achternbusch remains New German Cinema’s most difficult and most direct filmmaker, an anarchist whose raw surrealism stems from a profound regard for the inextricable bonds between the public and the private."
Such films as The Andechs Feeling(Das Andechser Gefuehl), Beer Battle(Bierkampf), The Olympic-winning lady(Die Olympiasiegerin), I Know the Way to the Hofbrauhaus, The Last Hole(Das letzte Loch) will be screened in PRO ARTE Institute and in the Gallery KINO-FOT-703 in Pushkinskaja 10 Culture Centre from the 9th till the 14th of October. Full listings can be found at www.goethe.de/oe/pet/
News source: www.harvardfilmarchive.org
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