01.15.2004 14:58
The exhibition of the works of Karl Bulla, an outstanding master who became known as the "godfather of reporter photography", and the photo studio named after him open tomorrow at Nevsky 54.
Bulla, an official photographer for the King of Italy, whose highest title was the Official Photographer of the Department of the Russian Imperial Court since 1896, is famous for his photos of the last Russian emperor's family. These photos and many others from the collection of the Museum of History of Saint Petersburg will be on display starting from January 16.
"The fund of the Historical photo " has worked a lot to reconstruct the well-known photo studio. Full-scale restoration of the pavilions Bulla and his sons worked has been made, it was possible to restore the well-known plafond that created the effect of the natural light. The modern studio is equipped with digital cameras and computers, photocopying machines and scanners There are even two unique cameras of epoch Bulla - that will make it possible to create retro-photos in the style of the well-known photographer.
The private museum of K.Bulla will be opened on the fourth floor of the famous building on Nevsky prospect.
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