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Culture news, 21.06.2004 11:54

Photos and videos of Erwin Wurm

photography Erwin Wurm is an Austrian actor. He was born in 1954. Lives and works in Vienna. He is a participant of many group and personal exhibitions, including ZKM, Center for Art and Media (Karlsruhe, 2003), Hermitage (St Petersburg, 2002), Centre National de la photographie (Paris, 2002); Museuo d'Arte Moderna (Bologna, 2002); Kunsthalle (Vienna, 2002); Musee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain, MAMCO (Geneve, 2001); Photographers Gallery (London, 2000), M.A.K. Museum fuer angewandte Kunst (Vienna, 1996), Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (Vienna, 1994) etc. The name of Arvin Vourm stands with such modern Deutsche actors as Bernd and Hilla Becher, Gerwald Rockenschaub and Thomas Demand. His filmed and photographed sculptures are still keep on researching of somewhat artistic in usual and every-day life.

“ Erwin Wurm goes in his works on comprehending of those transformations that such kind of art as sculpture felt in the result of avant-guard experiments appeared in this field in 20 century. Peter Vaibel defines his works as “forms of action” ("Handlungsformen"), in which the author de-constructs his ideas of sculpture: volume, gravity, space. The human body is a forming element of the sculpture, that way the sculpture becomes not static but dynamic action. This new element to introduce time points at the process of sculpture’s creating on the one hand and at the duration of it’s “ life” on the other hand…”(Dora Hegy, "Erwin Wurm. Videomunkak/Videoarbiten 1989 – 2002”)

The exhibition lasts till 12 July 2004.

“Kvadrat T” Gallery is located in St. Petersburg, 28 Kuybysheva st., second floor.

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(c) 2000