12.06.2004 14:41
The Roads in Russian Art exhibition has opened in the Benois Wing of the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. It features landscapes and genre paintings, graphic art, sculpture and folk art of the 19th-20th centuries from the depositories of the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery, reports the web site www.museum.ru.
The topic 'road to church' emerged in the Russian painting in the middle of the 19th century, for instance in Ilya Repin's work "Religious Procession" (1877). Hermits, monks and righteous men are standing in a devotional detachment on Mikhail Nesterov's painting "Hermit" (1889).
Sergei Ivanov's "Death of a Migrant Worker" (1889) shows life as a road where death can befall travelers at any moment.
Alexei Savrasov's "Winter" (1880) and Pyotr Sokolov's "Snowstorm" (1886) show Russian roads in winter.
Some paintings, for instance, Arkhip Kuindzhi's "Bad Roads in Autumn" (1872) or Ilya Repin's "Under Escort. On a Dirty Road" (1876) feature the endless road, which people were treading for ages in search for church or death.
Ivan Shishkin's "Rye" (1878) presents the road as a dream of happiness, harmony, peace and freedom.
Isaac Levitan's "Vladimirka Road" (1892) embodies the image of the Russian road in its absolute meaning. This could be a road of the God-bearing people and ordinary travelers.
Viktor Vasnetsov's "A Knight on the Crossroads" (1882) stands at the turn of the century choosing his way.
Fragile red riders are flying to the radiant future on Kasimir Malevich's painting "Red Cavalry" (1932).
Artists of the latest generations are interested in people's search for their own road in life, for instance I. V. Nikolayev's "I Go Out On The Road Alone" (1986).
News source: en.rian.ru
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