01.11.2007 16:34
The “Maor" Center will include a kindergarten and Jewish day school as well host numerous communal programs for, including clubs, lessons and workshops for a cross section of the local community.
It will feature a kosher kitchen and a synagogue.
The building where the new center is located used to belong to the city but burned down several years ago and was vacant for a long time.
The Jewish community arranged a long-term lease of the building and renovated it with a multi- million dollar grants from the Edmond Safra Foundation and the Ohr Avner Foundation headed by the Federation of Jewish Communities President Lev Leviev.
Community centre
The center is located on the North-West of St Petersburg and will serve as a community center for residents of this densely populated area, who live too far form the main synagogue to attend Shabbat services and other Jewish activities.
Rabbi and Mrs. Lipsker were appointed to serve as Rabbi and community center Director of the new campus.
Chief Rabbi of St. Petersburg Menachem Mendel Pevzner fixed the mezuzah at the entrance to the new center. The mezuzah is a biblical passage on a parchment scroll, placed in an ornamental case and affixed to a doorpost in every Jewish house.
Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, Director of the Ohr Avner Foundation David Mondshaine, representatives of city administration, leaders of the Jewish community and many Jews who will be using the center attended the opening ceremony.
Around 100,000 Jews live in St.Petersburg, the second largest Jewish community in Russia after Moscow.
News source: ejpress.org
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