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Bruno Liberatore Exhibition
08.17.2007 16:40

sculpture_by_bruno By Maria Zinchenko

Last Friday, an exhibition by the Italian sculptor Bruno Liberatore opened in the General Staff Building of the State Hermitage Museum on the Palace Square. Some of the showpieces of this exposition are also on display in the Grand Courtyard of the Winter Palace.

Liberatore studied at the Rome University of Fine Arts — where he is now a professor — and started with small sculptures.

But, as the Hermitage site says, “later works typically demonstrate a more complicated character." Such works include "Cavity"(2005), "Space and Cavity"(1999-2002), the "Set Square and Arc-bondant"(1999-2001), "Arch and Wall"(1999) and numerous "Gates."

Along with bronze Liberatore uses terracota, for example in the work "Aerial Root"(1989).

Liberatore also designs jewellery. Various rings, necklaces and bracelets in gold and silver, — sometimes functioning as miniature versons of the large sculptures, are on show.

Francesca Liberatore, the sculptor’s daughter — a designer in her own right who graduated from London’s St. Martins School of Art and Design, came to the opening of the exhibition in St. Petersburg with her father. She said: “My father is rather disappointed by the state of today’s students and their lack of desire to become artists.

“Things have changed since he studied himself. It seems that there is much less passion in youth for art than there should be.

“And his desire is, if not to inspire all of them, which is unfortunately nearly impossible, then to develop those who have inspration.”

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