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Culture news, 28.03.2008 10:06

Preved, Medved! Cartoon Exhibition on Medvedev Open in Petersburg

St. Petersburg Gallery of the Artists’ Union has opened the exhibition of cartoons titled Preved, Medved, or Morning in Pine Forest.

The exhibition is dedicated to the “new Russian President with a lucky surname”, i.e. Mr. Medvedev.

However, the main hero of the exhibition is not President Medvedev but the favourite character of Russian bloggers, Medved. Yet, the artists have not omitted current political situations in Russia.

The authors of cartoons displayed at the exhibition are famous artists working for newspapers and magazines of Saint Petersburg and Moscow, as well as foreign editions.

The exhibition runs till April 7, 2008 in the Small Exhibition Hall of the Artists’ Union at the address: 60, Nevsky Prospect (right side wing).

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