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In Novgorod Philharmonic will be a bust Anton Arensky
09.16.2013 18:05

In Novgorod Philharmonic will be a bust Anton Arensky

In 2011, the Novgorod Oblast Philharmonic was named after AS Arensky. Well-known musician, composer and teacher, was among the students who he Sergei Rachmaninoff was born in Novgorod.
After assigning Philharmonic Arensky also said that the cultural institution is the bust of our countryman. As it became known monument has already been delivered to the Philharmonic.
- Bust Arensky, who is ready and delivered in Novgorod, will be installed in the Philharmonic Hall on the first floor. So, getting to the concert hall, everyone can see it. The exact date of the ceremony has been set: to produce its pedestal. But, this year, Anton Arensky will bust open - said the director of the Philharmonic Alexander Vahrushev.

News source: Novgorod Vedomosty
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