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Opening of the restored mansion Dobbert
08.25.2015 17:04

Opening of the restored mansion Dobbert

On Wednesday, August 26 in St. Petersburg to the address of Bolshaya Pushkarskaya St., 14 the reconstructed and restored mansion Yu.K.Dobbert – a monument of wooden architecture of the XIX century, one of little remained in the city will open.
Reconstruction and restoration of the building proceeded from April, 2014 to August, 2015. Works were carried out by JSC PSB Zhilstroy. The project of reconstruction was prepared by architectural bureau "Studio 44". The restored mansion is included in the structure of an educational complex of Academy of dance of Boris Eifman – innovative ballet school which purpose is education of universal dancers of the XXI century.
In the wooden building the museum exposition devoted to the tercentenary history of the Petersburg ballet will be placed. The new exhibition will help the revived monument of architecture to become a place of an attraction of citizens and tourists. She will tell about transformation of St. Petersburg into the world centre of choreographic art and will capture the main milestones of this process – from establishment by Peter I of assemblies which obligatory part was an execution of the West European ballroom dances, and activity in our city in the second quarter of the XVIII century of the French ballet master Jean Baptiste Lande - the founder of ballet education in Russia, before emergence in 2013 of Academy of dance of Boris Eifman and modern development of new plastic forms.

News source: Administration of St. Petersburg
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