11.10.2015 13:40
Nominates "The Best Female Role" Anna Kovalchuk for Agafya Tikhonovna's role, brides in a performance "the City. Marriage. Gogol" directed by Yury Butusov. Lensovet Theatre
Nominates "The Best Male Role" Dmitry Vorobyov for Peter Egerman's role in the performance "From Life of Puppets" directed by Andrzej Bubenya. Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater. Kamennoostrovsky theatre.
Nominates "The Best Supporting Role" Boris Ulitin for a role of the teacher in the performance "Visit of the Lady" directed by Tatyana Kazakova. Comedy Theater of N. P. Akimov.
Nominates "The Best Actor's Ensemble" Sergey Migitsko (Fried eggs, the executor), Evgeny Filatov (Anuchkin, the retired infantry officer) and Alexander Novikov (Zhevakin, the seaman) for ensemble in a performance "the City. Marriage. Gogol" directed by Yury Butusov. Lensovet Theatre.
Nominates "The Best Work of the Director" Yury Butusov for statement of a performance "the City. Marriage. Gogol". Lensovet Theatre.
Nominates "The Best Work of the Artist" Oleg Golovko for scenography of the performance "From Life of Puppets". Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater. Kamennoostrovsky theatre.
Nominates "The Best Performance on a Big Scene" "City. Marriage. Gogol" directed by Yury Butusov. Lensovet Theatre.
Nominates "The Best Performance on a Small Scene" "Childhood 45-53: and tomorrow there will be a happy" directed by Andrzej Bubenya. Baltic House theatre festival.
Special prize of Advisory Council Polina Dudkina and Sergey Stukalov for masterly execution of a director's plan in an experimental performance "ZHOLDAK DREAMS: thieves of feelings" in statement Andria Zholdaka. Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater. Kamennoostrovsky theatre.
Nomination "The Best Performance at Opera Theatre" "Queen of spades" of P. I. Tchaikovsky directed by Alexey Stepanyuk. The musical director and the conductor – Valery Gergiev. Maryinsky Theater. Nominates "The Best Female Role in an Opera Performance" Irina Skazhenik for a role Rozin in the performance "Seville Barber" directed by Yury Alexandrov. The conductor – Alexander Goykhman. Chamber musical theater "Sankt-Peterburg Opera".
Nomination "The Best Male Role in an Opera Performance" Roman Burdenko for a role Tomsk in the performance "Queen of spades" directed by Alexey Stepanyuk. The musical director and the conductor – Valery Gergiev. Maryinsky Theater.
Nomination "The Best Ballet Performance" "Up & Down". Boris Eifman's choreography. The academic ballet theater under the leadership of Boris Eifman.
Nomination "The Best Female Role in a Ballet Performance" Ulyana Lopatkina for Margarita's role in the performance "Margarita and Armand". Frederik Ashton's choreography. Maryinsky Theater.
Nomination "The Best Male Role in a Ballet Performance" Oleg Markov for a role of the father of Nicole in the performance "Up & Down". Boris Eifman's choreography. The academic ballet theater under the leadership of Boris Eifman.
Nominates "The Best Performance in a Genre of the Operetta and Musical" "Summer of love" of Layosh Late directed by Oleg Levakov. The musical director – Yury Krylov. Theatre of the musical comedy.
Nominates "The Best Female Role in the Operetta and the Musical" Valentina Kosobutskaya for a role of Lady Bolochkova in the performance "Hollywood star" directed by Cornelius Baltus. Musical director and conductor Andrey Alekseev. Theatre of the Musical comedy.
Nominates "The Best Male Role in the Operetta and the Musical" Kirill Gordeev for Jekyll and Hyde's roles in the performance "Jekyll & Hyde" directed by Kero. The musical director and the conductor – Alexey Nefedov. Theatre of the musical comedy.
Nominates "The Best Work of the Artist at Musical Theatre" Alexander Orlov — for scenography of the performance "Queen of spades". The production director – Alexey Stepanyuk, the musical director and the conductor — Valery Gergiev. Maryinsky Theater.
Special prize of Advisory Council To the Maryinsky Theater for support of creative initiatives of young choreographers — the Creative Workshop project.
Nominates "The Best Performance in Puppet Theatre" "Vanya" directed by Alexey Lelyavsky. KARLSSON HAUS theatre.
Nominates "The Best Role in Puppet Theatre" Mikhail Shelomentsev for Vanya's role in the performance "Vanya" directed by Alexey Lelyavsky. KARLSSON HAUS theatre.
Nominates "The Best Work of the Artist" Marina Zavyalova for scenography of the performance "Turnip" directed by Denis Kazachuk. Bolshoi Puppet Theater.
Nominates "The Best Performance at Non-State Theatre" "Barrier" directed by Yana Tumina. Osobnyak theatre.
Nominates "The Best Work of the Director at Non-state Theatre" Yana Tumina for a statement of the performance "Barrier". Osobnyak theatre Pyotr Shereshevsky for a statement of the performance "Conformist". Chamber theatre of Malyshchitsky
Nominates "The Best Female Role at Non-State Theatre" Anna Aleksakhina for Arkadina's role in a performance "Kostya Treplev. Love and death" directed by Veniamin Filshtinsky. "Such theatre ".
Nominates "The Best Male Role at Non-State Theatre" Philip Dyachkov for Ilya's role in the performance "14+" directed by Alexey Zabegin and Vladimir Antipov. "Etude theatre".
Special diplomas of Advisory Council: To Larisa Leonova, Irina Sokolova, Tatyana Piletskaya, Vera Karpova, Tatyana Zakharova – for execution of roles of participants of musical Intuition ensemble in the performance "Woman Chanel". The production director — Yury Tsurkanu. "Russian Enterprise of Andrey Mironov" theatre.
Special prize of Advisory Council To Galina Karelina – "For unrestrained creative enthusiasm and a disinterested contribution to development of the studio movement"
"For creative longevity and a unique contribution to theatrical culture of St. Petersburg" To Vera Aleksandrovna Karpova to the honoured actress of RSFSR, the actress of the Academic comedy theatre of N. P. Akimov To Nikolay Nikolaevich Boyarchikov to the choreographer, people's artist of RSFSR, winner of the State award of Russia, professor of Vaganova Ballet Academy To Vladimir Emmanuilovich Retsepter to the people's artist of Russia, winner of the State award, artistic director of Pushkin School theatre
"For support of theatre in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region" To Anastasia Ryurikovna Melnikovoy to the honoured actress of Russia, vice-chairman of the constant Commission by training, culture and science of Legislative assembly of St. Petersburg
"For expansion of cultural space and strengthening of the international theatrical relations" To Sergey Grigoryevich Shubu to the honoured worker of arts of Russia, the CEO of Baltic House theatre festival, in connection with the 25 anniversary of the International theatre festival "Baltic House".
Award of Georgy Aleksandrovich Tovstonogov "For an outstanding contribution to development of theatre" To Grigory Mikhaylovich Kozlov to the honoured worker of arts of Russia, winner of the State award, artistic director of Masterskaya theatre
News source: Administration of St. Petersburg
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