Official internet-portal of St. Petersburg, cultural capital of Russia
Petersburg CITY / Official guide to St. Petersburg
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Theaters/Concert Halls/
Conservatory Concert Hall

The country's oldest establishment for higher music education was founded in 1862 by the Russian Music Society, on A.G. Rubinshtein's initiative. Rubinshtein has been its rector in 1862-1867 and 1887-1891.

The Conservatory building was erected in 1891-1896 according to a design by V.V. Nichole at the location where the Grand Stone Theatre had stood before the wildfire that ruined it. The Conservatory's two halls (Major Hall named after A.G. Rubinshtein and Minor Hall named after A.M. Glazunov) are very popular amongst music connoisseurs. Well-known opera and ballet artists as well as students perform at the Conservatory's Musical Theatre, organized in 1923. The Theatre's repertory includes classical favourites and some modern pieces.

Address:3, Teatralnaya Square
Subway (Metro):Sadovaya
Tel:+ 7 (812) 312 2507

(c) 2000