Journey to the Country of Gods Mexico. Monuments of the Past
07/23/2002 - 10/13/2002
On 23 July, 2002, an exhibition will open in two grand halls of the Winter Palace, Nicholas Hall and Anteroom.
Prize-winning fund "St.-Peterburg Open" will be one million dollars
One million dollars will be prize-winning fund of the international tennis tournament " Saint - Petersburg îpen ".
The fifth Summer school of the State Hermitage and the European university.
07/23/2002 - 07/27/2002
From July, 14 till July, 27 the international Summer school of fine art “Art treasures of Saint Petersburg: dynasty Romanovs as collectors of the Italian art" is held.
The modern Art in traditional museum.
07/23/2002 - 07/31/2002
C 6 on July, 31 festival "The modern Art in a traditional museum " is held, in which 12 museums of Saint-Petersburg and 13 projects of the Russian and foreign artists participate.
Events archive for July' 2002
Events archive for 2002 year.