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PetersburgCITY.com services:
- Accommodation in hotels, hostels, families.
- Air and railway tickets.
- Apartment rent.
- Apartment for sale.
- Apartment Assortment.
- Business contacts.
- Computer make-up of documents.
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- Development and support of internet representation.
- Excursions to St. Petersburg and its surroundings with professional tour Guides or well educated Personal Assistants in different languages including rare ones.
- Motor transport services.
- Offers on the real estate.
- Oral and conference interpreting.
- Organising package tours in Saint-Petersburg(all tourist services can be included in individually designed programs)
- Property Acquisition Accompaniment.
- Real Estate Agency Service.
- Recruitment of stuff with knowledge of foreign languages.
- Ship routes including Valaam and Kiji.
- Theatres and concert halls attendance.
- Translation of private and business papers.
- Visa support.